in the know
Portside Wedding Expo
Portside Wedding Expo is right around the corner, mark your calendars for March 23rd. A few important things to note and we wanted to make sure it’s all included right here for you.
20 Day of Essentials for the Bride-to-Be
Whether you’re the maid of honor or someone else behind the scenes of a wedding day, a gift for the bride (or even the groom) doesn’t have to be extravagant.
Be Our Guest…or Don’t.
It means the world to most people for you to attend their event…wedding or not, it’s a big deal. I cannot count the number of times my husband and I discussed how much the day meant to just have all our favorite people together. If you’re invited, you’re loved. You should act like it. Be a good guest.
Along for the Bride
Grooms are “just along for the bride.” Whether the wedding has happened, is coming soon or the question hasn’t been popped, the theme throughout is that the groom just wanted what the bride wanted and they trusted their future wife’s decision.